The Cleveland Consulting Group


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JULY 2014

Hi folks

I am returning to the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland to provide a one-day coaching workshop. It has been several years since being at GIC. I hope to see some of you there.

The workshop focuses on the Contact Model I developed over the last 30 years. The basic model is taught in the coaching program and a few other workshops. This is a full-day workshop that includes the indepth insights I've developed over the last several years of doing global consulting work.

I will teach a little, and practice a lot, so that you can walk out of the session with the concept imprinted in your body. Very exciting.


Herb Stevenson

Herb Stevenson, CEO/President
Cleveland Consulting Group

Coaching at the Point of Contact

September 17, 2014
Wednesday, 8:00am to 6:00pm

Program Description

The focus of this workshop will be to explore coaching at the point of contact. Contact is the space between the client and the coach where a dynamic balance between presence and vulnerability can lead to significant change. When this occurs with the client it is an indelible moment. Indelible because both the coach and client realize that something significant has occurred in the form of a major insight into past experiences or to present behavioural patterns.

Using the contact model developed by the presenter and tested for the last thirty years, the workshop will create a frame of reference that supports awareness of the coach, the client, and the contact being made by each of them. The model explores the impact of presence and vulnerability on creating the indelible moments when contact is made. Understanding these two dimensions and their inter-relationship deepens the coach’s understanding and skill in making impactful contact with client and helping the client expand his/her capacity to make impactful contact with others.

Coaches that master this model will raise the effectiveness of their coaching, often leading to permanent client change in a matter of moments.


What will students learn from your program?

In this workshop, you will:

  • Deepen your understanding of the Gestalt concept of “contact”

  • Deepen your active listening capacity

  • Increase your ability to track your own presence and vulnerability

  • Witness and support your client’s presence & vulnerability in order to learn new possibilities and behaviors.

What requirements must students meet to receive a certificate of completion?

  • Full attendance for all hours (sign in sheets to verify)

  • Quality of dialogue with faculty and students

  • Proficiency during practice sessions

  • Completed evaluation form

How do you monitor student attendance?

Sign-in and completion of signed/dated evaluation form at the end of the workshop.

What language/s will your program be presented in?



The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland

Continuing Education

  • 6 ICF Core Competency CCEUs
  • 1 ICF Resource Development CCEUs


(If you register before August 27, 2014, cost is $350)


Herb Stevenson, MA, BCC Bio